
What does “ET” stand for on rims, and how does it affect the car?

What does “ET” stand for on rims, and how does it affect the car?

The abbreviation “ET” stands for “offset” and refers to the distance between the rim’s center and the rim’s contact surface. The offset value is expressed in millimeters (mm) and can have both positive and negative values.

Knowing that the slant of a wheel has a significant impact on vehicle performance in numerous ways is crucial. Here are some significant considerations to be taken into account:

It should not be forgotten that ET can vary from vehicle to vehicle. Manufacturers specify the allowable ET values for each vehicle model to ensure optimum vehicle performance and safety.

How does the “ET” affect vehicle performance?

Some effects of offsetting on vehicle performance are as follows:


The ET specifications of the vehicle manufacturer are important when selecting rims.

An incorrect offset can have serious consequences for vehicle performance and safety.

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